The Art of Slideshows
3 minutes of fun..
You Tube and other photo servers were my original sharing places. Flickr was one. I can’t find it now. So this is .. sort of.. it. These are our original photos.

A simple slideshow of
our pics..

You get up in the morning.. on your Alaskan Cruise. Up and out to the deck.. nothing but water. But as you make it to the other side of the ship, there are mountains floating in the air. There is no shore. There is the curvature of the ocean in front of you. The shoreline is under the horizon. It hits you that you are looking at probably 10,000 feet of rock, 10 miles away. I still look at the photo, and shiver.

Now you see the details. Taken just a few years ago. This will be nothing but black rock now. Believe that the world is changing forever.

Dying Glaciers
Yes. This is how it happens across the northland. Once rock is exposed, it absorbs heat. Then the glacier is gone.

Alaska and kelp. They go together. I took this in water barely above 10C. I hope that the kelp survive. The jellyfish live with them. I have a movie of them floating by in the bright sun. Can’t find it.

These are not needed in Alaska, or Canada, wherever this was. But the beauty will be or is-already lost. The beauty of blue ice..